Zsolt Zsoldos memorial competition, Kecskemét, 30.10.2016.
Virág Ferencz 3rd place
Koppány Szilágyi 3rd place
Zalán Szilágyi 3rd place
Teenager B National Championship, Győrszentiván, 16.10.2016.
Koppány Szilágyi 1st place
Student B National Championship Kecskemét, 8. 10. 2016.
Zsófia Fenyvesi 3rd place
Csaba Szatmári 2nd place
Zétény Kiss-Kovács 1st place
Students A National Championship, Siklós, 1.10.2016.
Bence Cservenyi 7th place
Eszter Vass 5th place
Koppány Szilágyi 3rd place
Virág Ferencz 3rd place
Atom Cup, Paks International Competition, 24.09.2016.
Eszter Vass 5th place
Zsófia Fenyvesi 3rd place
Csaba Szatmári 2nd place
Zétény Kiss-Kovács1st place
Virág Ferencz 1st place
Koppány Szilágyi 1st place
Péter Tóth Memorial Competition (National ranking competition) 17.09.2016
Zétény Kiss-Kovács 1st place
Virág Ferencz 1st place
Koppány Szilágyi 4th place
Eszter Vass 4th place
Csaba Szatmári 4th place
Kidcoord Cup, Szeged, 10.09.2016.
Koppány Szilágyi 3rd place
Zétény Kiss-Kovács 2nd place
Bence Cservenyi 2nd place
Zsófia Fenyvesi 2nd place
Virág Ferencz 1st place
Csaba Szatmári 1st place
Tekes Cup, Siklós, 03.09.2016.
Student B
Csaba Szatmári 3rd place
Student A, B, C boy-girl Student Olympiad, 28.05.2016.
Noel Mucsi 2nd place
Zsófia Fenyvesi 2nd place
Koppány Szilágy 2nd place
Bence Cservenyi 2nd place
Virág Ferencz 2nd place
Eszter Vass 3rd place

Budapest Cup, International Competition, 01.05.2016.
Zétény Kiss-Kovács 5th place
Virág Ferencz 7th place
Eszter Vass 1st place
Szentkirályi Cup, Kecskemét, 24.04.2016.
Zalán Szilágyi 5th place
Student A
Bence Cservenyi 3rd place
Eszter Vass 2nd place
Virág Ferencz 2nd place
Koppány Szilágyi 1st place
Student B
Zsófia Fenyvesi 2nd place
Zétény Kiss-Kovács 1st place
Student C
Eszter Molnár 1st place
Noel Mucsi 1st place
Team competition 6th place
Student A, B Hungarian Cup, Debrecen, 09.04.2016.
Student B
Zsófia Fenyvesi 7th place
Zétény Kiss-Kovács 1st place
Student A
Bence Cservenyi 5th place
Eszter Vass 3rd place
Koppány Szilágyi 3rd place
Virág Ferencz 2nd place
7th Budaörs Cup International Competition, 12.03.2016.
6 country, more than 500 competitor
Ádám Petró 7th place Student C
Benedek Szegfű 7th place Teenager
Virág Ferencz 3rd place Student A
Zsófia Fenyvesi 3rd place Student B
Koppány Szilágyi 3rd place Student A
Noel Mucsi 1st place Student C
Zétény Kiss- Kovács 1st place Student B
Bence Cservenyi 1st place Student A
Crown-Körös Cup International Competition, Nagykőrös, 06.02.2016.
Student A
Koppány Szilágyi 2nd place
Bence Cservenyi 1st place (+ the title of the most technical competitor of the age group)
Benedek Szegfü 7th place
Koppány Szilágyi 1st place
Regional Competition, Budapest, UTE hall, 07.02.2016.
Student C
Bence Szabó 5th place
Máté Szűcs 7th place
Ádám Petró 5th place
Student B
Zsófia Fenyvesi 2nd place
Student A
Virág Ferencz 3rd place
Eszter Vass 1st place
Ede Vajda 3rd place

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